Relationship between words and meaning in work “Revelation of the decisive secret for students” of Zen master Vien Chieu - Bulletin of Science and Education

Relationship between words and meaning in work “Revelation of the decisive secret for students” of Zen master Vien Chieu - Bulletin of Science and Education

Bài báo về triết học phật giáo, nghiên cứu Phật giáo

Link tham khảo:

Pham Thi Thu Huong (2021), Relationship between words and meaning in work “Revelation of the decisive secret for students” of Zen master Vien Chieu, Bulletin of Science and Education, 2021, No. 17 (120), Part 1, Pp. 32-42. DOI 10.24411/2312-8089-2021-11710, ISSN 2312-8089.

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